Imran Siddiqui Obituary - As You Walk Over His Grave Don’t Forget About Yours
Submit. Believe. Life. Death. Hereafter. Resurrection. Peace
The Siddiqui Family Statement On The Passing Away of Imran Siddiqui.
SEPTEMBER 9 2023 - Somewhere on Earth
With name of the God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
With profound happiness, gratitude to God, and a happy heart we announce today that the final death of Imran Siddiqui has occurred. The age of his soul was not made aware to us.
Imran died today and returned to his Lord, peacefully, acceptingly, and happily. What happened on the other side, as the Angel of the Death came to collect his soul, is unknown.
Imran Siddiqui has left a Will and it will be executed based on what it entails.
Imran had also publicly put on the record that no one be present at his burial, except for those who have any faith. Imran had also articulated that there were not many that he knew of, who had true faith, except for a few, specifically one man. According to Imran, that is the one man whom everyone hates to know.
The dead body of Imran is buried in his backyard garden, but Imran is not there. His body is decaying there patiently, awaiting resurrection, while his soul is now somewhere with God.
There were no funeral proceedings, or processions or burial prayers because Prayers are to be made while we’re alive here on the earth.
With the grace of the God and His mercy, Imran feared, hoped, prayed, thanked God, and strived to answer the call of God and His Messengers. Assuring that before his second and final death occurred and before Imran finally left this earth - to stand in front of his Lord - he asked with the patience and the prayer and he asked forgiveness of the God. Hoping that maybe his Lord Wishes to pass over him and mercy him again.
Imran desired to pray right now rather than later so that when he is actually there with God, like he is right now, prostrated in front of His Lord, maybe He Wishes to forgive him and grant him a place in the actual Garden of the God, that He has prepared for the Pious.
Imran Siddiqui also conveyed to us that if you have no faith, or if you partner anyone or anything with the God, or you reject Him, then Imran does not need your prayer, which he already announced to everyone clearly while he was briefly alive on this earth.
Based on what Imran knew, what he believed with and submitted to, he pursued to follow the True unchanged Words of the Quran, in which he failed most of the time. Imran Siddiqui continued striving to enact those Words upon himself despite how much he was despised, ridiculed, or mocked by others for doing that.
If the striving of Imran is accepted by God, then, the God, His spirit, His Angeles, His Messengers, the Believers, those who Believe and do the Righteousness, the Believing Men and the Believing Women, and the submitters true, all of them are already praying over Imran, if wishes the God.
If Imran Siddiqui had any true faith and he believed with the God, the Almighty the Merciful, and everything else that He wants us to believe with, then Imran could be in a secure Home in the Garden of the Abode with His Lord, living happily. If Imran died a Rejector or a Partnering man, then Imran could be in the Fire of Hell, living there perpetually. Except what wishes the God.
“Surely He, no god except He.” No god except He, the Mighty, the Wise. He is the Creator, He does what He wishes and He is the Wise the Knowledgeable, the Irresistible, the One Who created Imran, and everything else under and above the Heavens and the Earths.
God is the One we return to. His capturing is inescapable. So Fear the God, thank Him, serve Him exclusively. Listen and Obey His Messengers, all of them. Don’t separate.
The Siddiqui family wants privacy at this time and later and is not seeking condolences and messages of despair or loss, as no such thing has occurred here, except to those who do not believe they will die. We advise everyone, as Imran was told to put it, to pray for themselves.
Save your own soul while you still have the “time”, while you still have this beautiful second chance, the final chance that He has given us and graced us with. Thank Him. Serve Him. Be sincere to Him. Ask forgiveness of the God to your crimes. “Exclusively to Him is the Way.”
That is the Way the constant. This is inscribed on the gravestone of Imran, and over his soul, with the will of God, and is what we aspire to do, every moment of our fleeting empty days.
Don't blow away this chance, like what we do with everything else. The Clock is ticking and the Hour is coming. We were created to serve God - that is our only “job”. He is the Employer.
Wake up and strive to answer the call of the God and His Messengers, before that comes a Day, no turning back to it.
Family of Imran - September 9, 2023
| Imran Siddiqui was the managing editor at Justice News and was the author of The JBlog. Imran's podcast FairPlay Challenging Wrongful Convictions airs on J107 Justice Radio. Imran wrote Intersections at Global Crossover and GameOver.News. Imran’s book series Injustice Inc is available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback.