Nor Do You Know Where Exactly You Are In This. Then What Do You Know?
After more than 25+ years in broadcast media and journalism, and after writing and supervising thousands of scripts, I finally decided to seriously look into writing manuscripts and books that can be used as manuals for learning skills or developed into screenplays to make films.
I was afraid initially because I had to walk a fine line - not to deviate from what God is saying in His Books - which is one of the reasons I didn’t want to get into writing it in the first place though I was already throwing articles on facts and issues people really didn’t want to talk about or hear.
That didn’t bother me. In 2022, on the recommendation of an acquaintance and with Justice News as the publisher, I converted one of my old pieces into a detailed strategy manual for those who claim to fight for the innocent and for “justice”. It was a simple effort to put something out that’s concrete, rock-solid, and applicable, which the wrongfully incarcerated individuals and their families can use to help themselves navigate the complex maze of the U.S. criminal justice system. To my surprise, it was liked and appreciated.
That started a chain reaction.
Since then I’ve published 6 manuscripts and counting. with the help of God, and so far haven’t had any bad reviews. Maybe they will come, but that shouldn’t deter me. If I start paying attention to what other people think then I’ll never move forward.
I wanted to put out these textual films as screenplays, flashing in front of my eyes and my mind, while looking at what’s going on in the world today.
I wanted to introduce the other side that is being ignored in the landslide of irrelevant, egregiously sick, evil, and misleading content on screens and phones and in front of the eyes of almost every person on this earth today. I felt that maybe, one day, either I would turn these manuscripts into films or maybe someone else would, if God wishes to, I would just leave the record in place.
I turn around and see, that my youngest daughter is on her phone, the elder daughter is on her phone, my granddaughter is on her giant screen, my eldest son is on his laptop, and my youngest son is on his, and my wife is somewhere in between on hers, while my mom is asleep or scrolling, while I sit here and write this on my own screen as you read this on yours. The question here is, which one of us is doing something that is truly benefitting us?
An article or a manual on how to stay healthy simply by eating farm fresh pure food, without any sprays or chemicals or anything else. Just earth of God, water, sunshine, wind, and time and patience, like it has been done for thousands of years, even before you and I were here.
I would not be writing this if I had not first done it tested it and tried it myself. I get motivated when I think about the tomato sauce I made using the dozens of free tomatoes that my neighbor picked for me and left at my backdoor.
And the fresh small tomatoes and beans and other greens and chilies we hand-picked from the backyard garden of my other neighbor when he invited me in.
I like to have my ginger tea with honey and just the mint that God is growing on my front porch by His grace and I thank Him. I think this is worth writing and sharing about and even worth having.
If you ever have any gum issues, just make a paste of ginger and use it on your gums, and when you immediately feel relief from the excruciating pain without using any drugs then just thank God.
My latest manuscript is a film screenplay. It’s called Somewhere on Earth. It is more realistic than the series I wrote on the Adventures of The Sid Brothers. I never realized how one or two reviews could change my perspective on this.
I thought I was writing shit, which most of it is, except for the truth in it, but for someone to say that my work can help someone and they could relate to that and apply it and it works for them - that is sweet news for me.
Writing is also fun. I don't have to deal with any unproductive office politics. I don’t have to deal with studios, investors, production crews, supervisors, distracting and will-breaking managers who act like they know when they’re just starting out in life, or senior executives - who mostly didn’t understand what I was trying to do, but still allowed me to do it, and later realized that what I was trying to do was much better, and had good intentions - and it paid off in the end.
The God is the One Who sustains us all. Imagine if you depend on someone so heavily for your sustenance and for your life and then the next day, that person dies and leaves you with nothing, You’re screwed.
I believe it is much better to depend on the Power that Sustains everything else, that you might think, empowers something by itself.
I had a very good and seriously challenging experience of the actual Faith learning my lessons from Asad Sirohey and from The Majestic Reading. Working on his show The Light and the Lamp, was another experience. Things I will not forget if wishes the God. The lessons continue until you see the surety.
I also had a different kind of learning adventure working with Justice News and covering over 50 cases of wrongful convictions across America. It was sad to see the state of affairs within and outside the U.S. criminal justice system - the biggest jailer in the world - not because it doesn’t really work for the truth, but because of the millions of lives that are destroyed because of wrongful incarceration in America.
Global Crossover will continue doing what it does along with J107 Justice Radio, LFX TV, and Game Over News. Imran Siddiqui has no idea what he is going to do - more so after writing his own recent obituary - he doesn’t really know what he’s going to do now…. except that a new journey awaits, and begins. As the flower opens, as it shall close.
Like what my brother once asked - “Lord, where should I go, what should I do, and how should I do it…”
As I end my time spent in media I look back and thank God for all that He has brought me over these years and appreciate the collective work that we did as teams and as solos on various different TV, Radio, and online networks. They are not what they used to be - mainstream, state-owned, or privately held - Truthful News today is dead and gone.
Constellic is born.